A |
 | Usage: a double compartment 'a' is used throughout. |  | Usage: contrary occasionally 'a' has a horned head-stroke. The horn to the left is actually the shoulder of the previous 'r' graph. |
 | Usage: And a very unusual triple-lobed upper case 'A' but nevertheless used on several occasions on both folios examined. |  | Usage: And the more usual upper case graph. |
D |
 | Usage: dothe unlooped 'd' with a 'u'-shaped lobe which appears open but which usually has a fine hairline to close. |  | Usage: betokened |
 | Usage: hadde 'de' ligature. |  | Usage: Deuysion upper case 'D' with serrated left side. |
G |
 | Usage: gret the scribe uses both anglicana double compartment 'g' and also tailed 'g'. There seems to be no system about the choice of graph. |  | Usage: a grese horned single compartment tailed 'g'. |
 | Usage: streigth |  | Usage: God |
H |
 | Usage: he 'h' is mainly of this type with open head-stroke. |  | Usage: growith 'h' in final position following 't' is frequently, though not always, crossed. |
 | Usage: He hathe his |  | Usage: How a more elaborate upper case 'H' with curved foot at the base of the ascender, separate head-stroke and dot within the graph. |
R |
 | Usage: restreyne modern 'r' is used in every position except after 'o'. |  | Usage: aftir almost all 'r's in final position attract this vertical tag. 't's and 's's are similarly tagged. |
 | Usage: clamor 'z'-shaped 'r' follows 'o'. |  | Usage: corrupcou(n) both 'r's used here in accordance with the style. |
S |
 | Usage: sey long 's' is in fact not usually very long at all, extending just below the level of surrounding graphs. |  | Usage: ys 8-shaped 's' is used in final position. It is usually tagged as here. |
 | Usage: desese |  | Usage: So serpentine upper case 'S'. |
W |
 | Usage: wiche most 'w's follow this pattern though on some folios, the 'w' in version 3 is more in evidence. |  | Usage: Þorow the head of the central limb is open at the top, curving over to the right. |
 | Usage: dwellith an alternative 'w' used frequently by the scribe. |  | Usage: With outen where 'W' begins a line, the left limb frequently extends to a point into the left margin. |
Y |
 | Usage: ys the tail of 'y' is usually short and straight. |  | Usage: euyr |
 | Usage: hym very occasionally there is a slight turn on the tail of 'y'. |  | Usage: Yeueth 'Y' at the beginning of a line with extended tail into the left margin. |
Thorn and Yogh |
 | Usage: þer thorn is a short stumpy graph with little or no descender below the lobe. |  | Usage: soþe thorn is not ubiquitous for 'th'. Both exist throughout the text. |
 | Usage: þinge |  | Usage: almyȝgthty the only example of yogh which I could find on the folios examined. The scribe may be muddled as to when to use it as the spelling here is repetitive. |
Upper Case Letters |
 | Usage: That and unusual semi-circular head-stroke for 'T'. |  | Usage: It |
 | Usage: Pees |  | Usage: But |