A |
 | Usage: aprise single compartment 'a' is used throughout. For exceptions see versions 3 and 4. |  | Usage: principal |
 | Usage: Aristotle for all names such as 'Alisandre' and 'Aristotle', this double compartment upper case 'A' is used. |  | Usage: And for all 'A's at the beginning of lines, this version of upper case 'A' is used. There are no exceptions. |
D |
 | Usage: determined 'd's are all looped with angular lobe. |  | Usage: god |
 | Usage: þridde |  | Usage: Declareþ this 'D' appears at the beginning of a line where every other first letter is upper case. It would appear that the scribe does not have a different graph for the upper case letter. |
G |
 | Usage: grounded double compartment 'g' is used throughout. The upper compartment is slightly bigger than the lower one. |  | Usage: þing the upper compartment has a more vertical aspect and the lower is more horizontal. |
 | Usage: iuggement |  | Usage: Geni(us) upper case 'G' at the top of the folio. |
H |
 | Usage: hiere 'h' is neatly and consistently formed. |  | Usage: Which the head-stroke is often a separate thick stroke with hair-line to link back to the top of the shoulder. |
 | Usage: noght the tail of 'h' is fine and curves gently clockwise. |  | Usage: Hov 'H' in upper case position at the beginning of a line. It is the same as the lower case graph. |
R |
 | Usage: registre modern 'r' is used throughout in all positions except after 'o', although on occasions it is also used after 'o' instead of the 'z'-shaped 'r'. |  | Usage: ffor modern 'r' used in final position. |
 | Usage: fforþi 'z'-shaped 'r' used afterb 'o'. |  | Usage: PRima upper case 'R' as the second letter following a pen-flourished initial. |
S |
 | Usage: seist long 's' used in initial and medial positions |  | Usage: as '8'-shaped 's' is used in final position. But see version 3. |
 | Usage: natheles kidney-shaped 's' is also used in final position. |  | Usage: So |
W |
 | Usage: wise both head-loops are usually closed and there is a 'B'-shaped element to the right. |  | Usage: knowe 'w' within a word with open head-stroke at the top of the right limb. |
 | Usage: wel although 'w' often has an angular foot to the left limb, this version is sharper than usual. |  | Usage: Wherof upper case 'W' at the beginning of a line. |
Y |
 | Usage: almyhti there are very few 'y's on this folio. The scribe tends to use 'ie' at the ends of words instead of 'y'. |  | Usage: begin(n)ynge most 'y's tend to be dotted. |
 | Usage: wrytinge although mostly the tail turns counter-clockwise to finish, on a few occasions, the tail is a straight line. |  | Usage: schryue |
Thorn and Yogh |
 | Usage: þinges thorn is used frequently not only for the definite article and pronouns, but also as a replacement 'th' at times. |  | Usage: þewes |
 | Usage: ȝit yogh is used a couple of times on the folio. It is used as equivalent of 'y' and also as representative of the 'z' sound of the plural. |  | Usage: pointȝ |
Upper Case Letters |
 | Usage: Though |  | Usage: Is |
 | Usage: Next |  | Usage: Plura |