A |
| Usage: alle single compartment 'a' is used throughout. | | Usage: vacat single compartment horned 'a' is used in the scribe's display script. |
| Usage: And the scribes uses two versions of upper case 'A' on this folio. | | Usage: And |
D |
| Usage: deth looped 'd' is used throughout with very little variation in formation. | | Usage: And in final position the upper loop may extend back over a previous graph. |
| Usage: INsidiando unlooped 'd' is used for the display script. | | Usage: dede |
G |
| Usage: gave double compartment diamond-shaped 'g' is used throughout, often with head-stroke which begins above the upper compartment leaving a point at the head. | | Usage: thing 'g' in final position with curl to finish which may be representative of a final 'e'. |
| Usage: ynogh | | Usage: begynne |
H |
| Usage: his 'h' in initial position with neatly contained tail-stroke. | | Usage: thou the tail-stroke may be extend and be looped round clockwise to return to the body of the graph. |
| Usage: with the tail may also turn back on itself and return counter-clockwise. | | Usage: Hit 'H' at the beginning of a line. |
R |
| Usage: redely modern 'r' is used almost all the time in all positions. It frequently has an approach stroke as a lead-in to the main stem. | | Usage: ouer 'r' in final position with flourish, probably representative of final 'e'. |
| Usage: foryeve 'z'-shaped 'r' is used after 'o' but is also used in initial position. | | Usage: sundry the single example of long 'r' on the folio. |
S |
| Usage: sesed long 's' is used in initial and medial positions. | | Usage: loues horned 's' is used in final position. |
| Usage: Sacryfice one of the scribe's upper case 'S's. | | Usage: Sic 'S' in the display script. |
W |
| Usage: wolde 'w' in initial position with long approach stroke. | | Usage: was a slightly different initial 'w' with extended left arm. |
| Usage: howe image to show the size of 'w' used in medial position. | | Usage: What |
Y |
| Usage: ynogh the tail of 'y' is long and when it turns counter-clockwise it retraces the line of the descending stroke. | | Usage: magryef |
| Usage: sodeynly occasionally the tail of 'y' trails back up to above the level of the body of the graph. | | Usage: Yet an extended left limb for this upper case graph. |
Upper Case Letters |
| Usage: This | | Usage: Of |
| Usage: INsidiando | | Usage: But |