A |
 | Usage: half double compartment lower case 'a' is used throughout. The downstroke is thick with slight curve at the upper end. |  | Usage: haue both upper and lower compartments may be finished with hairline strokes. |
 | Usage: Ame(n) the down-stroke of upper case 'A' curves over the body of the graph, descends vertically in emphatic fashion and ends with a small foot to finish. |  | Usage: And the lobe of 'A' is oval in form with squared off end and fine lines to connect with the down-stroke. |
D |
 | Usage: dedis 'd' is unlooped and where fusion occurs between 'd' and, as here, a following 'e', the graph consists of two separate strokes. |  | Usage: god there is little variation in the form of this graph. |
 | Usage: goddes |  | Usage: Do upper case 'D' with 2-shaped element to begin. The scribe uses the same '2' to begin the letter 'B' (see Wild Letter 3 for two separate examples). |
G |
 | Usage: good anglicana 'g' has an oval upper compartment with lower compartment triangular and compressed horizontally. |  | Usage: king 'g' in final position often has a finishing tag attached to the horizontal dash extending from the centre-right of the upper compartment. |
 | Usage: segge |  | Usage: g(ra)uyng 'g's in initial and final positions. |
H |
 | Usage: haue there is little variation in the 'h' graph. |  | Usage: suche |
 | Usage: hiegh crossed 'h' in the 'gh' combination. |  | Usage: wha(n) a macron abbreviation for a missing 'n'. |
R |
 | Usage: rentis short 'r' is used in all positions. |  | Usage: auentur(e) 'r' in final position with added distinctive flourish to represent final 'e'. |
 | Usage: aftir 'r' also in final position with tag to finish. |  | Usage: lordes 'z'-shaped 'r' used after 'o'. |
S |
 | Usage: segge long 's' with blunt end to the stem. A small approach stroke may be seen to the left of the stem. Used in initial and medial positions. |  | Usage: wyndowes kidney-shaped 's' is used in final position. |
 | Usage: sauehour(e) sigma 's' is occasionally used in initial position. |  | Usage: kokes sigma 's' is also used occasionally in final position. |
W |
 | Usage: what the form of 'w' does not vary. The left limb is frequently completely separate from the central stroke. |  | Usage: brewers the two limbs are more or less vertical with turned foot on the second limb. |
 | Usage: þorow |  | Usage: wowes |
Y |
 | Usage: wyndowes the limbs of 'y' are both curved. |  | Usage: pay the fork is in line with the lower level of surrounding graphs. |
 | Usage: biggyn |  | Usage: trwly |
Thorn |
 | Usage: þt thorn is used frequently. The graph is open at the head and resembles a 'y'. |  | Usage: [thorn'is the stem of thorn is shorter and straighter than the 'y' graph. |
 | Usage: neiþ(er) thorn with 'er' abbreviative mark above. |  | Usage: knoweþ the stem does not extend below the level of the lobe. |
Yogh |
 | Usage: ȝe yogh is also used frequently. |  | Usage: nouȝt the graph is consistently formed. |
 | Usage: riȝthonde yogh may be equivalent to 'gh'. |  | Usage: ȝowr(e) it is also equivalent to 'y' in initial position. |
Upper Case Letters |
 | Usage: Betwene the two examples of upper case 'B' are interesting for the clear way in which the two or three elements of the graph are combined. Here the graph begins with the 2-shaped element, is followed by a dividing vertical line and followed by the 'B' shaped element to finish. |  | Usage: Bakers in this example, the central dividing line is not present. Some scribes use both forms of 'B', one in which the '2'-shaped element is fused with the 'B' and a second which retains the dividing vertical line. |
 | Usage: Ne 'N' with diagonal decorative line. |  | Usage: Or 'O' with central dot decoration. |
Serendipity |
 | Usage: In upper case 'I' has a short approach stroke to the head which is difficult to see. |  | Usage: seide / & hi(m) the scribe frequently uses the virgule to punctuate. The virgule is followed by an example of the scribe's ampersand. |
 | Usage: ellis the scribe frequently adds this mark at the ends of lines. |  | Usage: faciat dext(er) red boxing around the Latin summaries. |