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Scribal Profile
Gower Scribe II
Profiles for this Scribe:
2. Scotland, Glasgow, University Library, MS Hunter 59 (T.2.17)
Current Manuscript:Scotland, Glasgow, Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 59 (T.2.17)
Sampled Folios:7v, 22v, 40r,
Example Page:Display a full page showing this scribe's hand
Image Rights:By permission of University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections. All images on this website are reproduced with permission of the Libraries, Archives, and Owners of the manuscripts. Manuscript images that appear on this website remain in the copyright of the libraries where the manuscripts are held. Use of these images for any purpose other than private study without written permission of those libraries is prohibited by law.
Usage: grande
this scribe's graphs are controlled and even throughout. There is very little variation in the formation of each graph.
Usage: Cap
the only difference in the scribe's lower case 'a' is in the slight angle of the top of the down-stroke to the right of the upper compartment of the graph.
Usage: Alter
as with the lower case version of this graph, the lower compartment is square-shaped or rectangular.
Usage: Argint
on the folios examined, the scribe invariably uses this form of upper case 'A'.
Usage: deus
always neatly executed and always the same shape in the body of the text. In the textura script used for headings the 'd' is formed differently with lower compartment more upright and upper loop which is not always fully resolved.
Usage: qd
'd' occasionally sports a tag as here, usually in the abbreviated 'qd'.
Usage: Depositum
upper case 'D' which appears almost like an 'S'.
Usage: De
Usage: belligeram
the upper compartment of 'g' has a vertical aspect, the lower compartment a horizontal one, appearing triangular.
Usage: Regis
Usage: ligasti
Usage: Gloria
upper case 'G' is formed as are 'C', 'O' and 'Q'. There is usually a single stroke bisecting the graph.
Usage: hic
there is little variation between upper and lower case examples of this graph.
Usage: vehentes
occasionally the tail-stroke ends with a counter-clockwise flick.
Usage: Hic
Usage: Heu
upper case 'H'.
Usage: curru
again, there is little variation in the 'r' graph whose stem may comprise two diamond shapes or a straighter stroke with angled foot.
Usage: aurora
modern 'r' followed by 'z'-shaped 'r' after the 'o'.
Usage: tempore
'z'-shaped 'r' often has an otiose stroke descending at an angle from the lower left of the graph.
Usage: Regis
Usage: suscepit
long 's' is always used in initial and medial positions.
Usage: opus
kidney-shaped 's' is always used in final position.
Usage: primus
in the scribe's textura hand he uses this 's' in final position.
Usage: Simplicitate
upper case 'S' with horizontal head-stroke and single bisecting line.
Upper Case Letters
Usage: O
all the upper case graphs shown in this section have the angled flat top.
Usage: Cernere
'O', 'C' and 'Q' are bisected by a single line with dot in the centre.
Usage: Ecce
Usage: Quo
More Upper Case Letters
Usage: Per
'P' with thicker line descending from the flattened head within the lobe of the graph. This 'P' is very reminiscent of the 'P' used by Scribe D.
Usage: Ipsa
upper case 'I' also has a dot in the middle of the stem.
Usage: Nec
angled feet on upper case 'N'.
Usage: Talia
upper case 'T' with double parallel line.
Decorative Features
Usage: 8-line illuminated initial on f7v to begin the first book of the 'Vox'. .
Usage: Marginal heading for the first chapter with added note in a different ink and hand.
Usage: Pen-flourished letter for the beginning of a section.
Usage: Catchword in the lower corner of f22v, surrounded by a box feature with bracketted ends.
Usage: com(m)endat
macron with central dot.
Usage: Chapter Number as a marginal heading.
Usage: nos
the scribe uses the punctus elevatus occasionally.
Usage: Incipit
upper case 'I' for the opening of the 'Incipit' in the scribe's display script.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP