A |
 | Usage: Nota typical double compartment 'a' used throughout in all Scribe D's manuscripts. The upper compartment is frequently smaller than the lower. |  | Usage: Alphonse |
 | Usage: And Scribe D has a number of upper case graphs for 'A'. This example is one which he uses frequently. |  | Usage: As |
D |
 | Usage: hidde looped 'd' is used throughout all Scribe D's manuscripts. |  | Usage: died (second 'd'). Scribe D frequently uses this 'd' in which the top lobe is not properly completed. It looks rather like his kidney-shaped 's' in reverse. |
 | Usage: Danielis a 2-shaped element almost always precedes 'D' and 'B'. | | |
G |
 | Usage: feigne again Scribe D always uses double compartment anglicana 'g'. The lower compartment is generally angular in appearance, the upper compartment more rounded. |  | Usage: among 'g' in final position is often tagged, not necessarily to indicate a missing 'e'. |
 | Usage: Gower | | |
H |
 | Usage: himself the tail-stroke of 'h' is nearly always tucked under neatly. |  | Usage: Iohis 'h' is almost always crossed in the name 'Iohn'. |
 | Usage: taughte occasionally the scribe flicks the tail to the right. |  | Usage: Haþ typical Scribe D upper case 'H' with curved extension to the left. |
R |
 | Usage: lollardy the fork of the graph is usually at the lower level of surrounding letters. Long 'r' used almost exclusively in this manuscript. |  | Usage: for 'z'-shaped 'r' after 'o' nearly always has a curved otiose stroke descending from the lower left of the graph. |
 | Usage: Troie the single example of modern 'r' on the three sample folios. In some manuscripts modern 'r' is the preferred graph. |  | Usage: Right upper case 'R' often has a curved approach stroke which begins beneath the body of the graph. |
S |
 | Usage: ancestres kidney-shaped 's' in final position. |  | Usage: videns 8-shaped 's' is also used in final position mainly in the Latin glosses. |
 | Usage: satirus sigma 's' is used occasionally in initial position, here in the Latin gloss. |  | Usage: So |
W |
 | Usage: wherof Scribe D's 'w's are all slight variations on a single theme. The left limb is generally straight and is usually in contact with the right limb which has two lobes at the right to form the final element. At the head the loops may be closed or left open. |  | Usage: wel |
 | Usage: which the base of the left limb is usually set slightly higher than the right. |  | Usage: Wher of 'W' in an upper case position at the beginning of a line. The left limb does not connect at the bottom of the graph and the head stroke in the middle is left open. |
Y |
 | Usage: lollardy 'y' is often dotted. 'i' often has a small crescent stroke above. The tail of 'y' does not usually return as far as here. |  | Usage: amys |
 | Usage: keyes |  | Usage: pleinly as with version 1 the scribe takes the tail of 'y' back up to the body of the graph to prepare for the addition of the dot. In version 2, the dot above is a separate addition and this is more usual Scribe D procedure. |
Thorn and Yogh |
 | Usage: þenke thorn is used on almost every occasion when 'th' would be required. |  | Usage: beþ the stem of thorn is straight, the lobe is oval. |
 | Usage: ȝonge yogh is used as equivalent for 'y'. It does not appear to be used for 'gh' on the three folios sampled. |  | Usage: prelatȝ yogh is also used in final position as equivalent to the modern 'z' sound in some plurals. |
Upper Case Letters |
 | Usage: In a classic example of Scribe D's upper case 'I' with shortish vertical with slight protuberance on the left and looped head-stroke. |  | Usage: Bot the 2-shaped element frequently precedes the graph. |
 | Usage: To |  | Usage: P(ro)ximitatis |
Upper Case 'N' |
 | Usage: Nam upper case 'N' has been chosen as a Wild Letter graph because although Scribe D does have an alternative upper case 'N', the example here is his usual form. In this version, 'N' is the basic shape of the graph and unadorned. |  | Usage: Now here the scribe uses a single slash stroke diagonally across the inside of the graph. He may use either one or two strokes as diagonal decoratives. |
 | Usage: Now Scribe D also sometimes puts a dot in the centre of the 'N'. Another variation shown in this graph is that occasionally the left vertical is gently curved to the left at the lower end. The wing on the left of the shaft may or may not be present. |  | Usage: Nota this example shows the scribe 'shadowing' the main vertical and also adding a pair of diagonal parallel lines. Variations on all these four versions may be seen in all Scribe D's work. |