A |
| Usage: a the scribe alternates his anglicana lower case 'a' with the more angular form of version 2. | | Usage: shal |
| Usage: And the scribe's upper case 'A's are usually variations on this angular theme. | | Usage: As |
D |
| Usage: douteles d' with angular lower chamber. The hand is very consistent. There is almost no variation at all in the way in which the scribe forms his graphs. | | Usage: word 'd' with tail. |
| Usage: daungerous a single graph on the two folios sampled which has a slight variation where the top loop does not quite make connection. | | |
G |
| Usage: begge as with 'd', the scribe's formation of graphs is regular and controlled. There is thus very little variation in any of his letter forms. | | Usage: dwellyng 'g' in final position. |
| Usage: neighbore where 'h' follows 'g', the 'h' is crossed. | | |
H |
| Usage: Methamorphoseos the first 'h' in this word. The graph has a short neat limb. | | Usage: Methamorphoseos the second 'h' in the word showing that the tail of 'h' may end with a reverse flick. |
| Usage: He upper case 'H' showing exactly the same formation of the graph as for the lower case letter. | | Usage: sleighte the scribe does have this slightly different graph with no foot on the stem. The Petworth scribe uses 'h' both with and without a foot. |
R |
| Usage: recche modern 'r' used in all positions and varies little. | | Usage: extorcions 'z'-shaped 'r' used only after 'o' and some consonants. There is no otiose tag attached to this scribe's 'z'-shaped 'r' unlike his companion on this manuscript, the Petworth scribe. |
| Usage: Rymes | | Usage: verray |
S |
| Usage: douteles 8-shaped 's' used almost exclusively in final position. | | Usage: sys an odd occurrence using sigma 's' at the beginning of the word and kidney 's' at the end. These two graphs are elsewhere little represented. |
| Usage: see long 's' used in initial and medial positions. The graph bisects the ruled line with just a tiny part of the tail below. | | Usage: Syn an individual upper case 'S' at the beginning of a line. |
W |
| Usage: wounde the 'w' graph has little variation. The left arm is either spikey as here and in version 3, or smooth as in version 2. | | Usage: while the formation is slightly different but the proportions of the graph are mainly the same. |
| Usage: What upper case letter formed in the same way. | | Usage: wilt in this example, 'w' is a little more like the 'w' of the Petworth scribe. |
Y |
| Usage: Parfey | | Usage: synfully the final 'y' in this word which has attracted a dot above. |
| Usage: My very occasionally there is no return on the tail of 'y'. | | |
Thorn and Yogh |
| Usage: þi thorn is used for pronouns, demonstrative adjectives, adverbs, and the definite article. Thorn is also used in the rubrics. | | Usage: þis |
| Usage: march(a)untȝ yogh used as representative of the 'tz' sound of the plural. | | Usage: nouȝt the yogh graph is used quite frequently. Also used for 'ȝif', 'ȝit', 'ȝe', and 'ȝoure'. |
Upper Case Letters |
| Usage: Now these upper case letters have been deliberately selcted to compare with those of the Petworth scribe in this manuscript. | | Usage: That |
| Usage: I like the Petworth scribe, the Lichfield scribe has two graphs for 'I' which differ in the headstroke. | | Usage: I there is usually a protuberance on the left side of the vertical in all 'I's of the Lichfield scribe. On some folios, the shadow stroke only accompanies the 'I' where it is at the beginning of a line. |
p |
| Usage: prose there is no spike above the graph in the Lichfield scribe's 'p's. | | Usage: p(ro)loge the descender is shorter and squatter than in the Petworth scribe's 'p'. |
| Usage: Parfey | | |