A |
| Usage: what regular single compartment lower case 'a' used throughout. | | Usage: And the scribe uses three different forms of upper case 'A' on this folio. |
| Usage: And the lower compartment of 'A' is usually connected back to the stem with hairline strokes. | | Usage: As |
D |
| Usage: dere the scribe's hand is very even thus there is almost no variation at all in this letter. Looped 'd' used throughout. | | |
| | | |
G |
| Usage: gode tailed 'g' is used throughout. | | Usage: strenghe the scribe uses a 'gh' combination omitting the 't'. |
| Usage: bryng | | Usage: Gif upper case 'G'. |
H |
| Usage: schal the basic form of 'h'. The counter-clockwise turn of the tail varies in length. | | Usage: How upper case 'H' as the first letter of a line. All the scribe's initial letters are quite elaborate. |
| Usage: Than the second letter following the red ink capital which begins the verse. All other initial letters of stanzas are followed by a second upper case letter so this is probably the scribe's more usual upper case 'H'. | | Usage: for the loue on the top line of verse and one of the two decorated 'h's there. |
R |
| Usage: dere long 'r' used as well as 'z'-shaped 'r'. | | Usage: matere 'z'-shaped 'r' used in all positions including final position, as well as long 'r'. |
| Usage: myrrour double 'rr' using both graphs. | | Usage: maner long 'r' with flourish in final position. |
S |
| Usage: this sigma 's' always used as final letter. | | Usage: gesse long 's' used initially and medially. |
| Usage: Sche upper case 'S'. | | Usage: Som tyme elaborate upper case 'S' as the first letter of a line. |
W |
| Usage: worde lower case 'w'. The two limbs lean to the left. | | Usage: alwey the left limb angles left at the head whilst the middle arm turns to the right. |
| Usage: With upper case 'W' at the beginning of a line. | | Usage: What another example of upper case 'W' at the beginning of a line. The left limb has a knid of wing attached to its lower side. |
Y |
| Usage: seyde the tail of 'y' varies from stanza to stanza from short to very long. | | Usage: euery |
| Usage: myrrour | | |
Upper Case Letters |
| Usage: Lat | | Usage: Take |
| Usage: Ȝit | | Usage: Katche |
Yogh |
| Usage: ȝow yogh used as representative of 'y'. | | Usage: ȝe |
| Usage: Ȝit | | |
I |
| Usage: I almost always short and totally undistinguished as a single tapering line. | | Usage: I |
| Usage: If only where 'I' begins a line of verse is it in any way different from the examples in versions 1 and 2. | | |