A |
 | Usage: as anglicana 'a' used most of the time. |  | Usage: þat single compartment secretary 'a' used only three times on this folio. Used twice for the word 'þat' and once for 'chapitre'. |
| | | |
D |
 | Usage: and looped 'd' is used throughout with little variation in formation. |  | Usage: adde |
 | Usage: day letter from one of the titles put in by the scribe in red ink. |  | Usage: clepid |
G |
 | Usage: taught double compartment 'g used throughout, also with little variation. |  | Usage: lenger note the tiny tag to the right of the lower compartment. The two compartments are diamond-shaped. |
 | Usage: vulgar the tag can be seen quite clearly in this example. |  | Usage: night 'gh' combination. |
H |
 | Usage: haue the scribe's formation of the 'h' graph may be seen by studying these four images. The thickened part in the middle of the stem is where the scribe begins the stem-stroke. The thickened lower part of the stem leads up to the shoulder, then to limb and tail. The head stroke is then applied separately. See version 4. |  | Usage: the |
 | Usage: arch. crossed 'h' in final position after 'c'. |  | Usage: houres as with version 1 the formation of the graph is very clear in this example. |
R |
 | Usage: crepuscules modern 'r' used in all positions except after 'o' on this folio. |  | Usage: lenger modern 'r' in final position with a short upward stroke to finish. |
 | Usage: worche 'z'-shaped 'r' used after 'o'. | | |
S |
 | Usage: as kidney-shaped 's' used in final position. |  | Usage: inequales |
 | Usage: crepuscules sigma 's' is also used as well as kidney-shaped 's' in final position. |  | Usage: same long 's' used initially and in medial position. |
W |
 | Usage: (K)nowe the scribe displays an interesting set of 'w's on this folio, but all variants on the same theme. |  | Usage: worche |
 | Usage: knowe this version has the 'B'-shaped element rather than a single lobe at the right. |  | Usage: wel |
Y |
 | Usage: nyght 'y' is consistently formed. |  | Usage: tyme |
 | Usage: day | | |
e |
 | Usage: worche sometimes there is a tag on 'e' in final position. |  | Usage: the |
| | | |
Thorn |
 | Usage: þy the stem of thorn is straight, with a slight turn to the left at the lower end. |  | Usage: þere |
 | Usage: þat | | |
p |
 | Usage: chapitre as with thorn the descender often curves to the left at the lower end. |  | Usage: clepid |
 | Usage: space |  | Usage: crepuscules the ink has mainly worn away but it is still possible to see the remnants of the curving stroke. |